Beasiswa Korea Selatan (KGSP)

ketika tulisan ini dibuat, aku sudah menginjakkan kaki di Korea Selatan.
banyak yang bertanya tentang bagaimana cara aku sampai disini, jadi lebih baik ditulis ke blog untuk kenyamanan membaca untuk semua. cia cia. let's start!

"Welcome to Korea!" - 20 Februari 2017

bagaimana caranya aku sampai disini? aku ga punya pintu ajaib Doraemon hahaha. jawabannya adalah dengan Beasiswa KGSP!

Apa itu KGSP? KGSP adalah singkatan dari Korean Government Scholarship Program. atau program beasiswa pemerintah Korea. dalam website nya sekarang, mereka menggunakan istilah GKS untuk programnya (Global Korea Scholarship). untuk batch tahun 2017, KGSP memiliki kuota 25 orang untuk jalur S1 dari 56 negara dan 17 orang untuk jalur Diploma. Aku sendiri termasuk batch kgsp untuk Associate degree atau Diploma. bagaimana dengan jalur Kedutaan? untuk tahun ini, hanya 1 orang yang bisa mendapatkan beasiswa ini. tapi kebijakan bisa berubah untuk tahun depan so, keep fighting!
"kak, apa ini beasiswa penuh? karena saya takut kita harus bayar lagi untuk kuliahnya :("

tenang gaes, beasiswa ini fully funded! asik kan? kalo kalian ga hedon, bisa cukup lah untuk hidup ya. hahahaha. 

"kak KGSP ini biasanya dibuka kapan ya?"

untuk jalur S1 dan Diploma, biasanya akan dibuka bulan September setiap tahun. untuk jalur univ, mereka memiliki deadline yang berbeda dengan univ lainnya. jadi silahkan ditanyakan pada univ yang ingin kalian tuju ^^

"dari beasiswa ini apa aja yang bisa kamu dapetin? dan apa aja yang harus dipersiapkan?"

Scholarship Benefits

Scholarship Benefits
      Airplane Ticket or Airfare: The scholarship covers an economy class flight with the shortest route between a scholar’s country and Korea. A one-way ticket to Korea will be offered to each scholar at the beginning of the scholarship program; another one-way ticket from Korea will be offered for those who complete their studies under the scholarship program.
      Monthly Stipend: 800,000 KRW per month
      Tuition: The tuition fee up to 5 million KRW is covered by NIIED. In case the tuition is higher than 5 million KRW, the exceeding amount is covered by the host university. The university entrance fee is covered by the host university.
      Settlement Allowance: 200,000 KRW upon arrival
      Scholarship Completion Grants: 100,000 KRW upon completion of studies
      Korean Language Training: The full cost for the 1 year is covered by NIIED and the language institution.
      Medical Insurance: Scholars are covered by health insurance for major accidents and illnesses during their scholarship period.
        Korean Proficiency Grants: Scholars with level 5 or 6 on TOPIK will receive 100,000 KRW won per month during the degree program.

      NIIED does not cover the expenses for the domestic travel both in a scholar’s home country and in Korea.
      Airfare for entry into Korea will not be provided to a grantee that has been staying in Korea as of the date of announcement of successful candidates   
      NIIED does not cover the expenses for traveler’s insurance.
      The medical fee is to be reimbursed through the insurance company to a scholar after he or she pays first. However, the expense for dental care or chronic disease will not be covered.
      In case a scholar withdraws from the scholarship program within the first 3 months after entering Korea, he or she must return all scholarship benefits offered, which includes the entry airfare, settlement allowance, monthly stipend, tuition, language training fees, Korean proficiency grants, and medical insurance.
      The return flight ticket and the Scholarship Completion Grants will not be offered for those who withdraw from the scholarship program.

Required Documents

(1) Required Documents: 1 set of the original documents below
      Completed Application Form (Form 1)
      NIIED Pledge (Form 2)
      Personal Statement (Form 3)
      Study Plan (Form 4)
      Two Recommendation Letters (Form 5)
 Must be from two separate recommenders.
  The letters must be written by someone who can give in-depth assessment on the applicant’s abilities, including a high school teacher, principal, or academic advisor.
      Completed Self Medical Assessment (Form 6)
        Graduation Certificate of High School
 Those who are expected to graduate may submit a provisional graduation certificate of high school.
      High School Grade Transcript (including a description of the school’s grading system)
      Certificates of Citizenship of the Applicant and Parents (Examples: a birth certificate, a government-issued certificate indicating the parent-child relationship, a family register, or parents’ passport copies)
        Official Test Results on Korean or English Proficiency (Optional)
 Only TOPIK results will be accepted for the Korean language proficiency.
        Certificate of Health (Form 7, only for candidates who successfully pass the 2nd  round of selection)
 The certificate of health must be completed and signed by a doctor.
      Copy of the Applicant’s Passport (only for candidates who successfully pass the 2nd round of selection)

     1 set of the original documents should be put in a single envelope. Recommendation letters should be sealed by the recommenders and submitted with the seals unbroken.
     Original documents should be submitted. However, should they be available, copies must be authenticated by the issuing institution, confirming that they are the same with the originals.
     The applicant’s name on the application form MUST be identical to the applicant’s passport name.
     If there is any inconsistency in the applicant’s name or birth date on submitted documents, further evidential document must be submitted as verification.
     Any applicant, who submits a provisional graduation certificate at the time of applying, must submit his or her official graduation certificate of high school upon arrival in Korea, no later than March 1, 2017.
     The application documents must be arranged in the same order as written on the “Checklist” in the FORM 1. Each document may be stapled. However, DO NOT staple the entire application documents altogether, or put each document in a separate folder.
     Application form and all other materials should be filled out either in Korean or in English. Any document issued in languages other than Korean or English MUST include official notarized translations.
     All documents submitted must be A4 sized. If the document is smaller, attach it to A4 sized paper; if bigger, fold it to make it A4 sized.
     The high school grade transcript must contain a description of the school’s grading system. In case the transcript does not have information on the applicant’s rank or percentile score, an applicant must submit an additional official certificate issued by the high school, confirming that the applicant’s academic achievement meets the requirement written on 5-(5).
     All documents must be numbered and labeled on the top right corner. (Example. Graduation Certificate of High School)
     Mailing address should be stated in full including the postal-code.
     Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicant. The applicants are advised to make their own copies of all application documents.
     Incomplete or incorrect documents will result in the disqualification of an applicant.


"untuk mendaftar KGSP apa harus bisa berbahasa inggris?"

hm, jika bahasa korea mu ga lancar, maka bahasa inggris diperlukan untuk berkomunikasi dengan teman dan membantu kehidupanmu selama berada di korea. kalau ga lancar bahasa inggris dan bahsa korea akan sulit nantinya untuk kamu survive disini :(

" apa kita membutuhkan sertifikat untuk mendaftar?"

sertifikat penghargaan adalah opsional. tapi karena kalian ingin menampilkan yang terbaik di mata penyeleksi, sertifikat akan menjadi nilai yang menguntungkan. tentu saja sesuai dengan bidang yang kalian inginkan :D

"Cara membuat essay KGSP?"

di dalam essay personal statement dan study plan sudah diberikan poin poin yang bisa kalian jelaskan untuk essay kalian. seperti penjelasan tentang diri sendiri dan motivasi dan lain sebagainya. paparkan penjelasan kalian tentang apa yang membuat kalian tertarik untuk datang ke korea dan berikan target yang jelas untuk itu. pihak pemberi beasiswa tentu ingin tahu apa yang menjadi tujuanmu dan kenapa kamu layak menerima beasiswa tersebut. NIIED ingin mempromosikan tentang pendidikan internasional dan meningkatkan mutu pendidikan internasional. kamu bisa menggunakan ini untuk menghubungkannya dengan essay yang kamu tulis.
siapkan essay dari jauh hari dan meminta pendapat pada orang lain. tapi jangan terlalu banyak. 2 orang saja cukup. kenapa? karena menurutku, terlalu banyak masukan dari orang lain bisa membuatmu kehilangan ide orisinil dari essay mu sendiri dan akan lebih bingung untuk menyusunnya kembali.

nah yang diatas ini adalah pertanyaan pertanyaan yang biasa diajukan di DM ig akuu. kalau ada pertanyaan lain, let me know dan aku bakal update di blog ini. lumayan buat iseng kalo lagi males belajar hahaha. i'm active on instagram as well as @elfinarira ( but, aku bakal milih milih juga pertanyaan yg ada di DM jika banyak yg sama akan di update disini supaya semua orang bisa baca juuga ya :D
hope this helps!

Elfina Rira,
3 April 2017.


  1. sis sy mau nanya" personal tentang kgsp ini, hhmm bisa email sy gk sis, klo bersedia ditanya makasih ya


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